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Poza scriitoruluiMihaela Raza - Coach & Author

Death of a Dinosaur: The Russian Empire is Self-Dessolving Starting in Ukraine

Death of a Dinosaur: The Russian Empire is self-dessolving starting in #Ukraine. War is very evident in all its manifestations on the physical plane. But is that all it is? What does it actually symbolize for each of us?

I am not a political analyst, nor a journalist. I am a Healthy Lifestyle Coach and I write this article from the perspective of a person interested in understanding #HumanBehaviour and the causes of any manifestation, observing its effects.

Since the outbreak of the invasion, I've been watching various foreign news channels, reading various posts, and at the same time noticing how I relate to the situation in #Ukraine. I talked to people, observed how they perceive what is happening, and my conclusion was that too little goes into the depths of this war. And because of that too few really understand what this war is all about.

Almost all levels of discussion are focused only on the effects and effects of effects, from all aspects, economic, political, territorial, etc., then on the lives of people in #Ukraine. The cause has been falsely mounted as just #Putin, without looking for the real causes and root causes, and that helps neither in understanding what is happening nor in finding the right solutions.

Yes, the situation is very inflamed. Yes, the emotions are very strong and the suffering of civilians in Ukraine is very obvious. But if we do not understand and act correctly, detaching ourselves from emotions, we will continue to feed a harmful mental pattern that has been repeated for many years on this planet. For thousands of years. And then things will really blow up.

Human Behaviour is one of the subjects that I have been interested in since childhood. Observing them in others, understanding them, observing myself in relation to others, etc. I have experienced a lot, studied a lot, and applied even more. And from working with clients in #coaching I gathered a number of lessons, in which I noticed a common structure, a common pattern. This common pattern can be found even in the #warinUkraine, so I invite you to read the whole article if you want to learn more.

Invariably, when I worked with clients in a personal or professional situation the #effect was perceived first. That's ok, first your shirt button breaks, then you notice it's still hanging on by a thread. But 95% of the time, the clients' desire was to only act on the effect, it's just so obvious, right? Why bother looking for something else? No, sir, there is nothing else!

"I keep arguing with my husband, I want a divorce", "The child doesn't want to go to school anymore, I have to take him to a psychologist", "I have an associate who gets on my nerves, he just gives directives and does nothing. How can I get rid of him?", etc. are just a few examples from case studies.

My clients' perception, most of the time - especially when the effect was very nagging or painful - stubbornly stuck to resolving the effect. And make it go away! The more the effect grates and persists, the more the human attention seems hypnotized by it and wants to change it, hide it, or exterminate it!!!

How do we translate this even more simply? The mind only perceives the #effect (half of the whole) and focuses on that perception, negative or positive, because it is already a pattern formed to do so. The mind often refuses to perceive and accept the #cause (the other half of the whole). Or to fill in the cause to fix the situation.

And there's more. Many people still delude themselves with the false idea that acting on the effect will balance the situation. Nothing could be more harmful. The more we insist on hiding, denying, or destroying the effect, the more unbalanced the situation will be. Because that effect is our friend, not our enemy, and it brings us a message about what we are doing wrong on deeper levels. If we try to destroy it we only cancel the opportunity to find the cause of the problem. By not solving it, the problem will appear in another form, somewhere else, because we have not solved its cause. It makes perfect sense how this cause-effect system works.

Extrapolating to the macro level, in the society we live in, we find the same pattern. The imprint of superficiality and one-sided analysis of any situation is still strongly anchored in the collective subconscious. As is the focus on finding the culprit, always outside the situation, believing that punishing/action on the culprit is the solution to the problem. "The king is an asshole. Let's take him down and slit his throat", "The window broke at school. Let's find the culprit and punish him", "My head hurts. I'll take a pill and it'll go away." No questions like "Whose responsibility (not guilt) is this, ”Why did x situation happen?" or "What could have caused y pain in the body?", etc.

It is very important and essential to perceive and accept the #whole. Because the whole always exists, in any manifestation, situation or person. Just as there are always two sides to a coin. If you don't want to look at one of them, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Looking at things simplistically, in the foreground is #warinUkraine (the effect) and on the other side #Putin (the cause). How convenient, right? We get the culprit, blame him, chop his head off and it all works out. We have thousands of such cases throughout history and here we are. In the middle of a war. Why? Because false causes, which are in fact effects, are brought to our attention. What's happening now in #Ukraine is an #effect, yes. But the #cause is elsewhere than we insist on seeing.

On the other hand, approaching the same old pattern, "act on the effect, possibly exterminate it" wouldn't actually solve anything. In this war, things go deeper and are inside each of us, from the macro-level (leaders, governments, presidents) to the micro-level (ordinary people, small communities). What we see on the physical level in this war is just the tip of the iceberg and is a projection of what we do not see, but exists within each of us.

In the interview with #GarryKasparov on #PBS, ( ) he said very simply: "Help Ukraine fight the monster you helped create. " He was of course referring to governments and state leaders who think they are powerful and entitled to do anything, just as #Putin's behavior in this war mirrors. So why is only Putin responsible for what the situation has created? Well, that's a question worth pondering.

So we resume the analysis. We have on the physical plane #warinUkraine. This is the effect. What is really the cause of this war? Whose responsibility is it to solve this war? Where do we need to look for the cause and work on it, so that this conflict can diminish until equilibrium is established? These are the kinds of questions we need to ask ourselves if we really want to resolve the situation. And yes, let's assume that each of us is responsible for working on it. Everyone in their area and at their level of daily life has a share of responsibility for getting things done. Not just governments, not just presidents. Not just NATO or any other entity. Every one of us.

Yes, I know that taking responsibility for what you do day by day, looking for the causes of a situation in depth, accepting the whole of a situation or that you are part of a planetary whole, are approaches that are often bother us. Because it forces us out of our illusory world, where someone else is to blame for everything that happens to us. In which someone else is responsible.

Now, in these moments, #warinUkraine mirrors nothing but the inner conflicts of each of us, our flight from responsibility, the aggressiveness that is in us, etc. These gathered bit by bit from each of us, manifest so violently on the physical plane. From small to large, over the years we have had a hand in creating this or other wars. Not just leaders, as #Kasparov said. That's only half the truth.

I know it's a shocking perspective. It sucks that the myths that have been so painstakingly built up over millennia, that the common man has no responsibilities and is only duty-bound to elect his leaders and obey their decisions, are being demolished. It's not comfortable that the responsibility actually lies not only with those who lead. We have lived with these falsehoods until now because they suited us. But the effects are the chaos and imbalance the whole planet is in right now. These manifestations are the response to the fact that we have given our responsibility to others (which is most convenient), but the unseen and forgotten part is that people have also given their power (not convenient at all) along with the responsibility. "The doctor knows better than me how I feel, it's his job to give me a prescription and I'm ok.", "I can't do anything, it's the government's fault the economy isn't working.", etc.

The secret and the power to resolve the conflict in Ukraine as quickly as possible lies in each one of us. Not elsewhere. I repeat we are all involved and responsible to a greater or lesser extent in what is happening now in #Ukraine. From the macro level of leaders of states and governments to the micro-level of each of us.

Again I repeat myself. Solving any situation involves not just seeing the effect and acting on it, but looking for the cause and working on it. The situation right now, globally not just in Ukraine, is very inflamed and unbalanced, which is very obvious, but at the same time natural. We are reaping what we have sown over the years. Continuing to fuel the imbalance by seeing only Putin responsible for everything that is happening, and no one else, will not help deflate the situation at all, but will only serve to vilify and destroy that part of us that we do not like to accept, hate and want never to see again. Accepting that #Putin, symbolically speaking is part of us, helps us to go into our depths, to look for our fears, arrogance, aggression, rigidity, and everything else that man symbolizes.

Dinosaurs disappeared from Earth 65 million years ago. Why? Because they were an extreme that unbalanced the entire planetary ecosystem. As a parallel, the Russian Empire is self-dessolving from Ukraine onwards, because it has been out of balance for many years, BUT let's remember that Russia and Ukraine are one facet of the whole. #Russia/#Putin represents at the macro level the rigidity, aggressiveness, dictatorship, extremes, etc. of "powerful" countries/people manifested in their own forms and percentages over the years. #Ukraine/#Zelenski represents at the macro level the desire for change, flexibility, courage to resist repression, etc. of peoples/people who want another society based on moral and ethical principles.

Basically, we are witnessing the war between old and new, between what is outdated and what wants to be born. And this war is being waged in each of us. This war represents each of us, whether we like it or not. Each of us carries an inner dinosaur that it is time to let dissolve because it no longer serves our evolution.

Do we want #Peace? Then let's look inside ourselves and see how much #Peace is in us? Because as much #Peace will be reflected outside of us as we build inside. Do we want #Peace? Let's be brave and see how much conflict is within us? What grievances, fears, or worries we carry and project outward every day. How do we resolve and balance them, to make room for Peace in our hearts? Do we want #Peace? Well, it might be time to stop waging daily war with ourselves, our spouse, our children, our colleagues, our neighbors, etc.

Yes, the Russian Empire is self-dissolving starting with Ukraine, but this is an invitation to each of us to stop looking at what others are doing and each deal with our own dinosaur. Nothing else. How long will this last? It depends on how much we really want balance in each of us and on the planet as a whole.


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